Ah Halloween. Quite the weekend. I tell people I don’t really like Halloween, but that’s only partially true.
I don’t like the pressure to go out and do something awesome, and I find the “I’m a slutty _____!” costume concept a bit obnoxious. And I HATE being scared. But I like fun-sized candy, and I love candy corn. I do enjoy dressing up, but I never want to put much thought into it.

So here I found myself, going as a jazzercise instructor for the 4th year in a row, just because 1) I’m lazy, and 2) I am the proud owner of amazing glowing pink spandex. So that begs the question – why wouldn’t I dress up 80s?
I am in the process of giving many high-fives to myself, because I resisted the urge to stay in not once, but twice this weekend! That’s right, I went out and got my Halloween on two nights in a row! Friday night (post-tempo run) I donned my spandex, whipped up a side pony-tail, and headed out to a party all the way in Silver Spring. Good times.
By Saturday night, I kind of felt that I had already done Halloween…BUT I had promised my friend, Miss 6x6, that I would go out with her. And be fun (rather than my default: slightly cranky/hangry/tired). We weren’t planning on meeting up until later in the evening because she had an “adult” party to go to at 7. So I went for a run, showered, and made dinner (buttercup squash curry).
As I was about to curl up in my happy place (my couch + large bowl-o-food + jammies + Top Model/Top Chef/Project Runway), my phone rang.
6x6: Mollie, get dressed, this party is insane and you have to come!
Me (hemming and hawing): Weeelllll, I’m not ready yet. And I still have to eat dinner…

Woah. Though most of me wanted to be in the aforementioned happy place, I knew that this was not an opportunity to miss.
Pink spandex? Check. Thong over it? Check. Side pony? Check. I’m dressed and ready to go in 10 minutes flat.
And the party was definitely worth it. It was hosted by the neighbor of a friend in Georgetown. There was valet parking, carriage rides, full catering with servers (aka dinner food, h’or de’oeuvres, cheese platter, fondue, etc.), a bar made out of ice, smoke machines, decorations, a DJ, cupcakes, and a room full of dessert!

Umm…awesome! We went “out” afterwards, and got our fill of other girls’ boobs (really? really? put those things away!), and crowded bars. But bottom line is – can I be invited to the neighbor’s Christmas party???
So for the rest of the week I will be sitting here at my desk, making myself sick with the bag of candy corn Boss #2 got me. Happy Halloween everyone!